Сынт лукрурь ын пэдуря... Дар бине ай аӂунс!

Along my time near these woods in the carpathians, there has never truly been a moment that I felt alone. Animals come and pass, a deer or fox somewhere - a bear elsewhere, and something completely else..

I am losing my mind, ever so slowly. It shouldn't be a surprise, seeing shambling shapes between the shruberry and the trees isn't par for the course but what am i supposed to say other than if it happens, it happens and if other see too - they see aswell?

I'm Casimira. I'm a transfem and i use she/her pronouns. Beyond my interest in cryptids, those that bug me in the night and day, I'm also particularly interested in computers, languages and math! I intended this web page to be some repository for powerpc computers, as i have an affinity for low powered machines (Pssst, this very website was written all on one netbook running Debian 12!). If you, dear reader of this paragraph have anything you would like to see added, contact my email ppcemporium@gmail.com! I will check this about weekly, thus some wait might be in order, but i'd rather something end up here than just lie abandoned, no?

Pssst, i will in due time migrate the email from being hosted by gmail to some other provider, as i ultimately still wish to de-google my life in all that i can do - but i will still check this email here for as long as it's here and another 2 months after.

Blinkie with the text 'Powered by PowerPC.' Blinkie with the text 'Powered by Debian.' Blinkie with text reading 'My twitter' in romanian. Blinkie with the text 'I love Rust!' in moldovan.

1. PowerPC Software Archive.

This website has links to the last versions of software provided that officially support the last MacOS's that worked on PowerPC.

This webspace is ultimately graciously provided by neocities, make your own website at https://neocities.org/!

There is a flag counter, which funnily enough seems to not work while using adblock for some reason! My apologies.
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